Then it was time for lunch! For many of us, it was our very first time going through the lunch line... what an adventure! There are so many choices! If your child buys lunch, please make sure to send in lunch money in his/her blue folder in a ziploc bag with his/her name written on it. At the beginning of each month, you will receive a calendar of the lunch menu. It would be a great idea to go over this with your child before he/she gets into the lunch line.
After lunch, we read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. We colored a picture of Chester Raccoon and then found a clue from him! He told us to go visit Mrs. Snead in the art room... maybe we would find him there! We traveled all over the school looking for Chester. On our search, we met our art teachers, Mrs. Snead and Mrs. Sappington, one of our music teachers, Mrs. Roettges, our principal, Mrs. Phillips, and our wonderful media staff, Mrs. KK, Mrs. Karen, and Mr. JB. We will spend a lot of time with these special people this year. We searched very hard, but didn't find Chester. He had to go back into his book, but he did leave us all a special treat.
After playing outside, it was already time to head home. We packed up our things and found our way home. Thank you for sharing your child with us! We are going to have a fantastic time getting to know each other this year!