One of our books of the month during December from 2 years ago, was a book called When Santa Turned Green. This book teaches students the importnace of keeping our environment "healthy" by helping to control global warming. Global warming is a difficult topic for little ones to grasp, but this book puts it in kid-friendly terms to help them understand that if we don't take care of our Earth by recycling, reusing, and not polluting, then our Earth won't be able to last for a long time and even worse, Santa's North Pole will melt! We showed our friends a 6 minute video clip about global warmning and how it is affecting the glaciers in Alaska. We stopped the video to discuss what things like global warming meant. We wanted each friend to understand the impact that each person has on our planet. The students had a chance to finish our prompt in their Reader's AResponse journals I can help global warming by....
Ask them what they are going to do help keep Santa's house from melting!