Friday, February 28, 2014


For the past several weeks, our 2nd graders have been transformed into Scientists! Although we have considered them to be Scientists all year during Science Workshop, they are now scientists during writing. We've been asking questions about how th world works, making hypotheses, creating something to test multiple times, holding symposiums to analyze our results, and writing conclusions! Take a look a that we've been testing:

It all starts with a question we can test, and writing our hypothesis based on our previous scientific knowledge. 

Then, our friends invent! They think of ways to make a catapult and test it multiple times. 

We can't forget to record PRECISE procedures for building and testing. W also have to include labeled diagrams to teach and give warnings if needed. For this one, you might want to mention "heads up!" 

And of course, we have to record our results.

Before we state our conclusion, we HAVE to have a symposium! It's when scientists come together to discuss their results, ask questions about it and come up with possible answers to help them write their conclusions.

Finally, we write a conclusion where we reflect on our hypothesis, ask new questions about why and how and state possible explanations. 

Our friends are such smart and inquisitive scientific authors. What will you test? 


  1. I love how they are learning to be awesome scientists & scientific writers! Bryn always talks about how much she loves Science. Thanks for making learning so fun :-)

  2. Looks like you are making learning FUN! Wonderful scientific thinking and writing!
    Mrs. Metzger
